Legal mentions
1- Owner
Isocab France.
SASU (Simplified Joint-Stock Company with a Single Shareholder) with a capital of €609,796.07, registered with the Dunkerque Trade and Companies Register under the number 350324695, with its headquarters located at 3 Rue Charles Fourier, GRANDE-SYNTHE (59760).
2- Site manager
Isocab By Kingspan.
telephone number: +33 3 28 29 24 40
Email address: contact@isocab.com
Intracommunity VAT number : FR49350324695
Telephone contact is invoiced on the following basis: Local call rate.
3- Publication manager
Isocab By Kingspan.
4- Design
acti, digital agency
SAS with a capital of €52,850
Headquarters: 289 Rue Garibaldi – 69007 Lyon (France)
Tel: +33 4 37 37 25 10
Email: performance@acti.fr
SIRET Number: RCS Lyon 442 957 544 00020
5- Webmaster
Isocab by Kingspan.
6- Host
acti, digital agency
Headquarters: 289 rue Garibaldi – 69007 Lyon (France)
Tel.: +33 4 37 37 25 10
Email address: performance@acti.fr
Data hosted in a green data center in France.
7- Person responsible for processing personal data
The person responsible is Isocab by Kingspan, whose identity and address are given above.